Photo #76730
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Subject's City: Boston
Subject's State: MA
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Subject's Country: United States
Date: 1851-1900
Photographer: The Notman Photographic Co, Ltd
Photographer's City: Boston
Photographer's State: MA
Type**: CC
Comments: (Nee: ) | Boston MA United States | 1851-1900 | Comments: Photo found in album in Fannin Co, TX. Not part of family who owned the album - believed to have been a flea market find purchased in the 1970's and inserted to fill out the album on display. Photo probably made between 1891-1910. The majority of the photos in this group were made in Northampton, MA - none of the family in Texas ever lived or visited in the northeast U.S. The photos were likely made circa 1885-1910. The elaborate back of the photo reveals that Notman had won a gold medal in Montreal in 1876. He also had studios in Albany and Saratoga NY, and one in Newport, RI. Most of the pictures in this group were made in Massachusetts, so that seems the most likely place for this one as well.
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