Photo #36194
Last Name:
First Name: Kruse Dithmarschen Verwandte / Relative (Ibs?)
Middle Name:
Subject's City:
Subject's State: Schleswig-Holstein
Subject's County: Dithmarschen
Subject's Country: Germany
Date: 1851-1900
Photographer: Vehling & Co
Photographer's City: Hamburg
Photographer's State: Hamburg
Type**: PRT
Comments: Kruse Dithmarschen Verwandte / Relative (Ibs?) (Nee: ) | Schleswig-Holstein Germany | 1851-1900 | Comments: Verwandte entweder von Johannes Wilhelm Kruse, geb. 11. März 1869 in Kronprinzenkoog, oder von Bertha Magdalena Janssen, geb. 17. März 1873 in Friedrichskoog. Möglicherweise Gretje Ibs geb. Kruse, gest. 09. Februar 1891, die ''Tante mit der Brille'', die aus Dithmarschen nach Hamburg zog. Ihre Töchter Lotte, Ida und Minna gingen in die USA. Minna Ibs heiratete dort Mr. Armstrong. Fotograf: Theodor Vehling & Co.
Relative either of Johannes Wilhelm Kruse, born March 11, 1869 in Kronprinzenkoog, or of Bertha Magdalena Janssen, born March 17, 1873 in Friedrichskoog. Possibly ''the aunt with the glasses'', Gretje Ibs nee Kruse, who died February 09, 1891. She moved from Dithmarschen to Hamburg. Her daughters Lotte, Ida and Minna emigrated to the USA, where Minna Ibs married Mr. Armstrong.
Photographer Theodor Vehling & Co.
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Everyone Listed In This Photo:
Kruse Dithmarschen Verwandte / Relative (Ibs?)