Photo #37795
Last Name: Koehler
First Name: Henry
Middle Name:
Subject's City: Milwaukee
Subject's State: WI
Subject's County:
Subject's Country: United States
Date: 1851-1900
Photographer: Loops
Photographer's City: Milwaukee
Photographer's State: WI
Type**: CC
Comments: Henry Koehler (Nee: ) | Milwaukee WI United States | 1851-1900 | Comments: Purchased at a flea market in Bartow, FL. Vendor is from Canada and has photos from all over. I also purchased another photo of Henry Koehler where he appears to be younger than in this one. There is no other info on the back of the photo except some lightly pencilled notes, apparently by a photographer who was to make an enlargement of this photo, as to the specifications of the order. One of the notes is "Wilson Township." (Could be "Wilton Township.") Photographer C. Loops
Digital Image Only? NO
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Henry Koehler