Photo #12629
Last Name: Barron
First Name: Namon
Middle Name:
Subject's City:
Subject's State: NC
Subject's County:
Subject's Country: United States
Date: 1851-1900
Photographer: Holloway
Photographer's City: Demings
Photographer's State: IN
Type**: PRT
Comments: Namon Barron (Nee: ) | NC United States | 1851-1900 | Comments: Namon Barron son of George W. Barnes and Clarinda Fletcher
Archive Note: 12/24/2005 Found! Discovery # 661 George writes **Namon Barron was my great grandfather. His daughter, Clara Barron, was my grandmother. Clara\'s son, George W. Grimes Sr. is my Dad. I have possession of the original photo displayed here. Dad passed it down to me from Clara\'s belongings**
Digital Image Only? YES
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Namon Barron