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Photo #12795

Last Name: Allen

First Name: Bernice

Middle Name:

Subject's City: Huntington

Subject's State: IN

Subject's County:

Subject's Country: United States

Date: 1920

Photographer: HHS

Photographer's City:

Photographer's State: IN


Type**: PRT

Comments: Bernice Allen (Nee: ) | Huntington IN United States | 1920 | Comments: Freshman class photo, The names are listed in alphabeical order and are not matched to the faces,if you know who someone is please leave a note in out message board pick and shovel, if you want a larger view of a particular Student ..write 1920 “Modulus” Huntington High School ,Huntington,Ill to see all the pictures in the album type HHS in the photographers slot in “Detailed Search” ..

Digital Image Only? NO

Everyone Listed In This Photo:

Dorothy Agnel
Bernice Allen
Dorotha Anderson
Floyd Baker
Wilma Bardsley
Hazel Barrett
Bertha Bayless
Gail Beekman
Edwin Beeks
A Beeson
Marjorie Bell
Melba Berry
Letha Blom
Louise Blum
Walter Bonebrake
Donald Bowers
Donald Bowers
Mitchell Bronstein
Sarah Bronstein
Srah Bronstein
Pauline Broughton
Delbert Brown
Pauline Brown
Clum Bucher
Edna Burgett
Pearl Burket
Bessie Buzzard
Helen Calvert
Russell Carmichael
Kenneth Carroll
Harold Cassady
Beulah Chalfant
Francis Chapman
Bernice Cheely
Ianthe Cole
Charles Collett
Selby Conklin
Clara Coolman
Paul Cox
Elmer Cozad
Ray Crist
Donald Cunningham
Horace Cutshall
LLoyd Denny
Mary Dolby
Eben Donaldson
Alfred Draper
Dorothy Draper
Grace Drummond
Earl Dubbs
Glenn Dunathan
Nondus Duncan
Ralph Engle
Dorothy Ertzinger
Henry Ewing
Jane Favorite
Dorothy Felton
Kathleen Fisher
Mable Freele
Mollie Frost
Fay Fulton
Violet Fulton
Eward Gard
Virginia Gardiner
Harold Gates
Josphine Gear
Arnold Gemmer
Donald Gemmer
Leona Gemmer
Lucile Gibler
Carl Kase
Mary Kelley
Olistis Kettering
William Kinder
Virginia Kiracofe
Clarence Klinger
Camilla Kriegbaum
Leroy Lankford
George Lawver
Laurel Lee
Thaddeus Lewis
Helen Lieber
Donald Lind
Cecil Lloyd
Loran Lowman
Elizabeth May
Loran McComb
Thelma McConkey
Garth McDorman
Edward McNally
Edna Merriman
Crystal Miller
Wava Mulles
Norma Nagel
Edith Nelson
Gladys Nifer
Lawrence Nix
Edith Ormsby
Frederick Orr
Elizabeth Parry
George Passwater
Horace Pastor
Jay Paul
Louise Peting
Helene Petrie
Wilbur Petrie
Blair Plasterer
Warren Rankin
Byron Richards
Alice Richardson
Byron Richardson
Violet Rowlands
Merrill Ruble
Marion Ryan
Dorothea Sands
Curtis Schoch
Marguerite Sharp
Lyle Shaw
Lyle Shutt
Pressnall Smith
Virginia Smith
Russell Steuger
Otto Strock
Donald Stroud
Kenneth Stults
Mildred Stults
Edna Sweaers
Vera Swoverland
Dean Thatcher
Clara Thorn
Howard Trimble
Claude Trovinger
Claude Trovinger
Thelma Vale
Theodore Van Antwerp
Edna Viehauer
Mercer Waldo
June Walker
Kathryn Wamuth
Kathryn Wasmuth
Reba Weller
Richard Weybright
Paul Whitacre
Lucile Wilson
George Wood
Gerald Young
Geralg Young
Mabel Young
Margaret Young
Martha Young

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